I'm a fresh graduate in journalism who is currently focusing on data journalism practice.

I graduated from the Journalism Program at Universitas Padjadjaran and passionate about data journalism. I've received fellowships from AJI Indonesia, AJI Jakarta, and the Kurawal Foundation. I interned at BaleBengong.id and my work appeared on Tirto.id, Bandung Bergerak, and Tempo Interaktif.



Photo by Dids . on Pexels

Nusep Supriadi, Sepetak Bambu, dan Sungai Cikapundung

Meeting Nusep Supriadi helped me understand the situation with the Cikapundung River more clearly. There are a few major polluters of this river: animal waste from farms upstream, residents who directly dump garbage into the river, and untreated wastewater from processing plants that is simply discharged into the river, or at least that's how he explained it to me. Nusep seemed to stand tall amidst the community's indifference toward this river.